sabato 27 settembre 2008

domenica 21 settembre 2008

Surfin on Balaton's Lake

As always with normal people

No alcoholic parties

Persons with clever idea

Always on time

No leisure activities

I keep asking to myself why I keep going to such kind of activities.
Anyway the TC was interesting and I learn a lot

Later on at the airport everything seemed to be okay

But there was a threat...someone stole my clothes!

But I have a lot of, so I just didn't care

Then I discovered that something was happening with Alitalia.
My flights were canceled.
So I found myself stuck in Germany

And took two lufthansa plans to go back home

(They really give you beers on board, but I didn't make any pictures of that)
So now I m back. I met a lot of interesting people and I had really good time.
Thanks to Dragan and Aga to be more than just trainers (they exist ^_^ ) and everybody.

Next stop Iceland.
If my Alitalia's flight will still exist...

martedì 9 settembre 2008

Going to Magyarország

Yep. Going to Hungary. I'm packing things, clothes and whatever in my luggage.
Flight from Naples to Budapest, land at Fiumicino in Rome.
It will be my forth time in Hungary. And if the world goes down It will be my last one!

Yes, let's talk about the end of the world. Tomorrow there will be this huge experiment on the Franco-Swiss border. They (Cern Scientists) built this Big Bang Machine in order to find this Higgins Boson particle. There is just one bad thing that may happen: it's not unlikely the end of the world. Some fear the experiment may create a black hole that will tear the Earth apart. A black hole guys. Not a nuclear explosion, or some mortal gas. A black hole.
Okay, if tomorrow things start to going weird, don't panic. There will be some Superman, God, Donnie Darko, somewhere out there fixing the problem. I hope.

Ok now I gotta go. See you when I'm back or in some tangent universe.


Wasting Time

Ok I started with LiveJournal. Then I realized it doesn't suit me good. So I made it with blogger...will I change it again? Problematic choice!
Ok, this is my weblog. Why a weblog? I dunno! Maybe I will write something, or put on it some pictures or just let die this webspace because it will bored me and you. Chi vivrà vedrà!

Just stay tuned ok?